Printer Lock ।। Epson L130 / L220 / 310 / 360 / 365 Resetter,
Service Required How To Solve !!
Epson Adjustment Program Reset.
Service required How To solve !! Epson Adjustment Program Reseter Download Now !!
Download WIC Reset Utility Tool – Epson L130 resetter to reset Epson L130 printer waste ink counter overflow and reset flashing lights problem condition on my Epson L130 printer with Epson adjustment program.Epson L130 printer Waste Ink Counter error and how to repair that
- – Does Epson L130 printer stop to printing and say parts inside your Epson printer are at the end of their life?
- – Does it say Epson L130 ink pads need changing?
- – Have you got an e-letter in the display and flashing red lights?
- – Are you being told to take your Epson L130 printer to an Epson service center?
Epson L130 printer and every Epson Printers have internal Waste Ink Pads to collect the wasted ink during the process of cleaning and printing. When this ink pad reaches its limitation, Epson L130 will send you a Warning alert and refuse to function.
Epson Adjustment Program Reset Any Model
Select -Now Model And port Usb āĻ¤ে āĻ্āĻ˛ীāĻ āĻāĻ°ুāĻ¨।
Select- Now Model And port Usb And Than Ok āĻ¤ে āĻ্āĻ˛ীāĻ āĻāĻ°ুāĻ¨ ।।
select Now waste ink pad counter then click Ok āĻ¤ে āĻ্āĻ˛ীāĻ āĻāĻ°ুāĻ¨ ।।
mark on Main pad counter then Initialize āĻ¤ে āĻ্āĻ˛িāĻ āĻāĻ°ুāĻ¨ ।।
After FINISH The Program Now "Waste Ink Pad Counter" Will Show You all Waste Ink Pad Counter '0% !! āĻāĻāĻŦাāĻ° āĻāĻĒāĻ¨াāĻ° āĻĒিāĻ¨্āĻাāĻ° āĻে āĻ
āĻĢ āĻāĻ°ে āĻ
āĻ¨ āĻāĻ°ুāĻ¨ ।।
āĻāĻ āĻ¨āĻāĻ°ে āĻ¸েāĻাāĻĢ āĻা āĻĻেāĻুāĻ¨......
āĻĒ্āĻ°āĻĨāĻŽে -Click on "Adjprog"
āĻĻ্āĻŦিāĻ¤ীā§ - Model Of Printer
āĻ¤ৃāĻ¤ীā§ Model And port Usb
āĻāĻ¤ুāĻ°্āĻĨ waste ink pad counter
āĻĒāĻ্āĻāĻŽ Main pad counter - Initialize click
6āĻˇ্āĻ Then OK and after FINISH
Service required How To solve Now Ok
Download Now
Printer Lock ।। Epson L130 / L220 / 310 / 360 / 365 Resetter. Epson Service Required Resetter Software .
āĻŦ্āĻ°িঃāĻĻ্āĻ°ঃ- āĻ¸āĻĢ্āĻāĻā§্āĻ¯াāĻ° āĻি āĻāĻĒāĻ¨ি āĻĒেāĻ¤ে āĻšāĻ˛ে āĻāĻŽাāĻĻেāĻ° āĻে āĻŦিāĻাāĻļ, āĻ°āĻেāĻ āĻ
āĻĨāĻŦা āĻ¨āĻāĻĻেāĻ° āĻŽাāĻ§্āĻ¯āĻŽে 150 āĻাāĻা āĻĒেāĻŽেāĻ¨্āĻ āĻāĻ°āĻ¤ে āĻšāĻŦে।
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Epson Adjustment Program Reset
Epson L130
Epson Printer Problem
Epson Printer Resetter
Epson Printer Software
L220 / 310 / 360 / 365 Resetter
Printer Lock
Service Required How To Solve